Adding a post to our projects board is super easy.

Simply navigate to PROJECTS from the main Airgigs menu:


Once the projects board has loaded, at the top of the screen click on POST YOUR PROJECT  


You will then be able to add a title and description for your project, as well as selecting the relevant genre, budget, expected delivery date and more. 

Please note: 

  • The Project Board cannot be used for auditioning talent
  • Each project should have a clear scope
  • Do not include any direct contact information in posting
  • You will be able to communicate with pros before booking

Once you click the Submit button at the bottom of the form your post will be added to the list of projects, which appear in chronological order. Airgigs pros will be able to view your post and if interested, contact you and make an offer. You do not have to accept any offers if you don't feel they are a good fit and you can exchange messages with an Airgigs pro before accepting their offer.