If you’re having trouble finding your messages on AirGigs, don’t worry! There are multiple places where communication and file sharing can take place, depending on the stage of your project.
1. Message Inbox
The Message Inbox is designed for pre-sales conversations and general follow-ups after an order is completed. This is where you can ask initial questions before booking a service and keep in touch after an order is closed. However, ongoing order-related communication and file sharing take place elsewhere.
2. My Orders (for Buyers) / Manage Sales (for Sellers)
For active orders, all communication and file sharing happen within the order pages, which you can access through:
- My Orders (if you’re a buyer)
- Manage Sales (if you’re a seller)
This setup ensures that:
- Each order / session has a dedicated conversation thread, as mentioned above.
- Files related to a specific song or order session stay organized and easy to find.
- You receive order updates, final deliveries, and review options all in one place.
3. Job Proposals (for Buyers & Sellers)
If you’ve posted a job on the Artists Wanted Board (as a buyer) or sent a proposal for a job (as a seller), communication can also take place there.
- Buyers can message sellers who have submitted proposals.
- Sellers can reply to buyers through the proposal thread.
- File sharing may also happen here before an official order is placed.
How to Find Your Messages
- For general inquiries: Check your Inbox page.
- For ongoing orders: Go to My Orders (for buyers) or Manage Sales (for sellers) and open the relevant order page.
- For Artists Wanted job proposals: If you’ve posted or responded to a job, check My Posts (for buyers) or your My Proposals section (for sellers).
By keeping communication segmented, AirGigs makes it easier to track progress, manage multiple projects, and ensure all files are in the right place. If you’re still having trouble locating a message, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance!