If you didn’t manually accept the order but found that it was marked as complete, don’t worry - you haven’t missed your chance to stay in touch with the seller or address any concerns. Here’s what happened and what you can do next.

How the Order Completion Process Works

After a seller delivers your order, we send you a notification that your order has been delivered. At this point, you have 3 days to review the work and either approve it or request revisions.

  • If you accept the delivery, the order is marked as complete.

  • If you click "REVISE" within the 3-day window, the seller will be prompted to revise and re-deliver the work based on the agreed terms. This also cancels the 3-day auto-complete timer until the seller submits a new delivery.

  • If you take no action within 3 days, the system will automatically mark the order as complete.

This system ensures a smooth process for both buyers and sellers, but we understand that sometimes notifications get missed.

Understanding the Delivery Timestamp

Below is a screenshot showing the delivery timestamp on the order page. This marks the start of the 3-day auto-complete window, during which you can review, request revisions, or accept the delivery.

What If I Missed the Review Window?

If the order was completed automatically and you still need adjustments, you can always continue working with the seller via your inbox. Most sellers are happy to assist with minor tweaks even after an order is marked as complete.

What If There’s an Issue with My Order?

If you believe the order was mistakenly marked as complete - for example, if you haven’t received the final files or the delivery was incomplete - please report it to us as soon as possible. Funds are released to the seller 3 days after the order is marked as complete, so it’s important to act quickly.

For any issues or concerns, feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!