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General Questions
General Questions
What is AirGigs about?
Who uses AirGigs?
How does it work?
Where are AirGigs members located?
How can I share large project files?
How do I cancel an order?
How do I delete my account
How do I change my username?
What is a verified review on AirGigs?
How do I leave a review?
This article explains how and when buyers and sellers can leave reviews
Adding Your Verified Music Credits From
Other payment options
What currencies does AirGigs accept?
What is the Project Board?
What are revisions?
How do I change my password?
What is Street Cred?
What is the AirGigs dispute resolution process?
How do I get a Street Cred review?
How do I withdraw funds to my Buyer Balance?
Do I have to set up a different account for Buying and Selling?