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General Questions
General Questions
What is AirGigs about?
Who uses AirGigs?
How does it work?
Where are AirGigs members located?
How can I share large project files?
How do I cancel an order?
How do I delete my account
How do I change my username?
What is a verified review on AirGigs?
How do I leave a review?
Adding Your Verified Music Credits From
Troubleshooting Payment Issues
What currencies does AirGigs accept?
What Is the AirGigs Project Board and How Does It Work?
What are revisions?
How do I change my password?
What Are Recommendations (aka Street Cred)?
What is the AirGigs dispute resolution process?
How do I get a Street Cred review?
Do I Need Separate Accounts for Buying and Selling?
How To Add Your Discography
How to Buy the AirGigs Team a Fancy Cup of Coffee?